
Alphonso rates drop before season ends

                                                                      The season of the king of fruits — Alphonso mangoes — has almost come to an end. With the last batch of mangoes trickling in, sellers insist that this is the ideal time to buy the fruit as it is being sold at Rs 200-600 per dozen. The demand for this variety of mangoes took a hit after the recent Food and Drug Administration (FDA) raid of a consignment of mangoes that was suspected to be artificially ripened. Moreover, the ban by the European Union (EU) on the fruit’s export from India has brought down this year’s total Alphonso export to EU countries by around 50% from the state, as estimated by the Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board (MSAMB).
Nishant Sawant, a mango grower from Ratnagiri said the last batch of Alphonsos will remain for another eight to 10 days. “The FDA raid in the beginning of May had a massive impact on the mango sales. The demand went down by about 40-50%. People were scared to buy mangoes, even though not all mangoes in the market are ripened with calcium carbide,” he said.
Sawant added that the EU ban brought down mango rates from Rs 2,000 to Rs 1,000 per dozen, as mangoes reserved for export had to be sold in the Indian market at lesser prices. “In Market Yard, mangoes are currently being sold at a very low rate. The retail prices are down to Rs 200/ dozen for medium-sized robust Alphonso mangoes,” he said.
Nathsaheb Parasharam Khaire, trader in Market Yard said the season for Alphonso mangoes will last till May 30. “The demand came down by around 50%.
After this Kesar, Hapus and Rajapuri mangoes from Gujarat will start coming in and stay till June 15,” said Khaire, adding that the market rate for a box of four to six dozen Alphonsos is Rs 600 to Rs 1,000.
Mango grower Mandar Desai from Ratnagiri, who has a mango outlet in Pune, said that there was much fluctuation in mango supply this year due to the weather conditions. “Around 80% less Alphonsos came to the market from April 1 to 25, but the second batch of crop compensated for that. However, the third batch supply was less by about 20%,” said Desai.
Meanwhile, MSAMB officials told TOI that the total Alphonso export to EU countries from the state came down by around 50% due the EU ban.
In Market Yard, mangoes are currently being sold at a very low rate. The retail prices are down to Rs 200 per dozen for medium-sized robust Alphonso mangoes.

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