
Taura releases white paper on extending shelf life of foods with fruit

Taura Natural Ingredients recently released a white paper – titled 'Extending the shelf life of products containing fruit' – which would help food manufacturers address the challenges associated with incorporating real fruit into long shelf-life dry products such as biscuits, cakes, breakfast cereals and snack bars.

Penned by Grant Taylor, sales manager, Asia Pacific, Taura, the white paper – which offers advice on how Taura’s ultra-rapid concentration (URC) fruit ingredients can help food manufacturers avoid problems with water activity associated with other fruit ingredients – has been uploaded onto the company's website, and can be downloaded free of charge.

It explains how Taura’s URC real fruit ingredients eliminate these barriers and mitigate the moisture transfer in a range of long shelf-life dry foods, enabling manufacturers to include fruit in products where it would otherwise be impossible without seriously compromising shelf life.

Taylor said, “Significant technical obstacles have previously limited the use of fruit-based ingredients in many products with a long shelf life. Applications such as biscuits, baked goods, cereals and snacks have been especially problematic. Incorporating fruit into dry products like these has presented a challenge, because introducing any additional moisture poses a threat to the texture and shelf life of the finished product.”

“Solutions based on the URC fruit ingredients from Taura deliver all the taste, colour and nutritional benefits of fruit inclusions in products with an ambient shelf life of at least 12 months,” he added.

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